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A r t   W r i t e r

Paint a Healthier Mind for Balanced Living

To uniquely express the positive impact of painting/sketching art through creative writing. As a writer, you are free to explore the benefits of art on our social, mental and expressive state of being.

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A r t   W r i t e r

Paint Hope for Every Child

According to government figures, pre-pandemic, 45,616 children were living in poverty in Nottinghamshire last year. Of the total, 27,968 of those children were living in poverty despite one or more of their parents working.

As a researcher, you are encouraged to explore the importance and impact of painting on a child’s development.

At an opportune time, we hope to craft sustainable painting kits for disadvantaged or vulnerable children living within the East Midlands.

U P C O M I N G - You are welcome to express your interest via email at myartuplifts@gmail.com