Social Painting with Everyday People from All Walks of Life! Paint Artwork for Living Spaces and Desired Causes to Uplift Wellbeing Initiatives.

My Art Uplifts My Art Uplifts

Reflections on the Art You’ve Made

…the Nottingham area… supporting and uplifting itself with aspirations of beautiful aesthetics and illumination to those in dark or difficult places - Joseph Hobbs

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My Art Uplifts My Art Uplifts

Our Potential

…the ability to prove and explore reflects something very powerful and beautiful about the human spirit…. - Joseph Hobbs

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My Art Uplifts My Art Uplifts

Is Gardening an Art Form?

…Bright explosions of red tulips, roses of every colour, cascading down from their perches … and flowering lupins the size of monoliths that burst out of the shrubbery. - Harvey Cross

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My Art Uplifts My Art Uplifts

The Art in Animals

Animals are works of art, acting artfully. And this is something we can appreciate. It’s soothing to watch…- Joseph Hobbs

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My Art Uplifts My Art Uplifts

What Sleeps Within

Try to make something or draw something creative from the ideas and instinct that come to mind… - Joseph Hobbs

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